Attack on Mom and Kids - Moms Across America

Attack on Mom and Kid's Freedom


Dear Moms and Friends, 

If you know anyone with a child who has autism these two video interviews are a must watch.
I am so outraged, so appalled, so confused as to how this could be happening in our country..please listen to this and pass it on to Moms with kids with Autism.
It's time for us to get informed and speak up.
Some points: 
  • Mom gets censored and kicked off Facebook for sharing pic of kids holding signs about autism and GMOs.
  • Mom shares about proof of link to autism and GMOs on FB and her hard drive gets wiped repeatedly.
  • Mom send blood/urine sample to labs to get tested for toxins and is told they cannot even test her own blood for chemicals  because Monsanto owns the patent on those chemicals.
1 out of 3 American children are now obese and have Autism. Allergies, ADHD, Asthma or Auto Immune Diseases. This is not happening in other countries where 80% of their food is not GMO. Studies have shown links to GMOs/Glyphosate and all these health issues and more, including infertility and cancer.
 If we share this information we support each other in turning around the health of an entire generation of children which are being compromised.
The reality is that our children are being attacked by toxins in our food and environment. The companies that make these extremely profitable poisons will do whatever it takes to squelch the sharing of this information. 
Mom's first amendment rights are being attacked. However,  Moms cannot be fired from our jobs like scientists have been, so they are particularly upset by Moms.
They cannot stop us. We will share, we will connect with other Moms. We will speak up...because we have a certain limitless source of inspiration- the love we have for our children. We will not stop. We will not give up. We will never tire of creating a future for our children of health, integrity and freedom!
When something this maddening, this outrageous and scary happens, the one thing I know is that I can rely on is love.
Love for my children. The love other moms have for their children. The love fathers and husbands have for their families and their support, and the love Americans have for their freedom and country. Our love will prevail.
If you want to get involved and support our children please support
Share, donate, march, sign our petition and survey.
We are committed to empowering millions, and with your partnership we will.
Thank you!!
Zen honeycutt

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