Mom's Letter to GMO World Food Prize Winner - Moms Across America

Mom's Letter to GMO World Food Prize Winner

Regarding an recent article on Dr. Marc Van Montagu's winning of the World food Day Prize and his comment that people who oppose GMOs "can only be due to “irrational fear” and not sound science.

Dr. Marc Van Montagu,

Perhaps you are unaware that we Moms have seen our children's health issues, allergies, autism, auto immune disorders and asthma, plus obesity and diabetes, get BETTER when they avoid GMOs and eat only organic food.

We do not have fears about GMOs because we are alarmists or are irrational. We have fears about GMOs because we are realists. What we SEE right before us are many health conditions, my own son included,  like life threatening allergies being reduced to simply a mild allergy before our eyes by avoiding GMOs. This means reduced long term chances of stomach cancer as well.

We fear GMOs because we LOVE our children and we want to protect them. The fact is that your ideas may be good IDEAS, but they do not work. They are hurting people, especially children, and we have hundreds of testimonials telling us so. That is quantitative data last I checked.

As a mother I ask you and your fellow scientists to STOP promoting ANYTHING that has any possibility of harm to our children immediately and START testing the connection between GMO foreign proteins, Glyphosate sprayed on GMOs (which breaks down the blood brain barrier, impairs the liver's ability to detox, and destroys the beneficial gut bacteria which comprises 70% of our children's immune system*) in conjunction with the environmental toxins our children are now exposed to. Glyphosate breaks down the blood brain barrier and lets toxins like pesticides, herbicides, vaccine toxins, pollution etc. into our children's brain and bodies.

1out of 2 children are projected to get Autism in the next 20 years if the current trend continues. Do you want to go down in history as being partially responsible for this? Our will you take responsibility, take precaution, and stop and test? If you did , THAT would be worthy of a prize.

Mother of Three, 

Zen honeycutt

Mamás en toda América

Some of our Mom's testimonials:

Studies proving harm:

*Glyphosate and Modern Diseases:

Dr. Judy Carman: Evidence of GMO Harm in Pig Study:
Dr. Hans-Wolfgang Hoppe: Glyphosate Found in Human Urine Across Europe:
Dr. Thongprakaisang: Glyphosate Induces Growth in Human Breast Cancer Cells;

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