Mamá habla en Monsanto - Moms Across America
enero 31, 2015
Contact: Zen honeycutt

Mamá habla en Monsanto

Comunicado de prensa de Moms Across America

Monsanto Shareholder meeting presentation enero 31, 2015 (UPDATED julio 1, 2022)

Organic Consumer's Association, SumOfUs, and Moms Across America held a rally at the Monsanto Headquarters on enero 30, 2015. Supporters came from St.Louis, CA, Arizona, Illinois, Washington DC, Chicago, and beyond.

Dentro de la reunión:
Zen Honeycutt representó a John Harrington de Harrington Investments en la reunión de ayer para solicitar el apoyo de los accionistas para el Artículo No. 5, Acceso del Proxy de Accionista, un mecanismo esencial para la rendición de cuentas respaldado por inversores institucionales y la SEC.

 As the founder of Moms Across America, she spoke on behalf of millions of mothers, a  significant group of long-term stakeholders of Monsanto. Her presentation contained the following:

 1 out of 2 children in America today has chronic illnesses such as asthma, allergies, autism, autoimmune disease, Crohn’s, diabetes, and obesity. (1) All of these conditions and more can be directly linked to GMOs and Glyphosate--to Monsanto’s products.

 Zen le dijo a Monsanto, en nombre de los padres que luchan, ¡DEJEN DE ENVENENAR a nuestros hijos! El glifosato, un antibiótico patentado, se ha detectado en el aire, el agua, los alimentos, Fruit Loops (consulte, la orina de nuestros hijos, la leche materna, (2) y en el tubo de alimentación alimentado con líquido (3) a niños con cáncer, en niveles miles de veces por encima de lo que se ha demostrado que destruye las bacterias intestinales, donde se encuentra el 70% del sistema inmunitario. (4)

 The Monsanto shareholders MUST know, she said that without proper gut bacteria the body cannot make Tryptophan, Melatonin, or Serotonin which regulates insulin—leading to numerous illnesses including diabetes, a disease which is on course to bankrupt US Healthcare in 13 years. (5)

 When the gut bacteria are destroyed, food particles and pathogens escape through the intestines, causing allergies and auto-immune diseases.  Allergy ER Visits have increased 265% since GMOs and glyphosate were introduced. (6)

Without healthy gut bacteria and the ability to make serotonin and melatonin, our bodies cannot prevent insomnia, depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. 57.7 million Americans have mental illness today. (7)

 Glyphosate is a DNA mutagen and cell disintegrator, allowing toxins into the brain. (8)

Glyphosate is a chelator, causing vitamin and mineral deficiency. Without certain minerals, our bodies cannot fight cancer. (9)

Glyphosate is an endocrine disruptor, causing infertility, sterility, miscarriages, and birth defects. (10)

 Ella dijo que estaba enviando cientos de testimonios de madres que describían lo que los productos de Monsanto le estaban haciendo a sus hijos y mostraban cómo sus hijos mejoran cuando evitan los OGM y comen productos orgánicos.

Zen also submitted hundreds of pages of studies and papers today showing how glyphosate impacts the gut-brain connection (11), leading to birth defects (12), liver and kidney disease (13), Parkinson’s (14), Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (15), Alzheimer's, Celiac’s, Autism (15) and Cancer (16).  According to the current rate of diagnosis we can expect, that in 20 years, 50% of our children born will get autism. (17)

 Zen dijo que entiende que nadie quiere creer que esto sea cierto, sin embargo, preguntó, ¿alguien en la Junta ha leído los últimos estudios e investigaciones?

Ella preguntó :

"What if the very investments Monsanto’s shareholders are making to BUILD a foundation of security for our children and grandchildren are the same investments that are DESTROYING their future? What if instead of creating health and prosperity, they are causing ECONOMIC RUIN?

 ¿Qué pasa si, en lugar de alimentar a millones de personas con OGM, Monsanto está perjudicando a las generaciones venideras?

 Las madres decimos, DETÉNGALO DETENLO AHORA.

You have an opportunity to make a difference for your families and our country.  We ask shareholders to support the Shareholder Access Proxy and vote a pediatrician onto this board.  We ask Monsanto to have the courage to create a new future for Monsanto and America.


El proxy pasó por 53%.

Honeycutt was thankful to Harrington Investments who gave her the opportunity to speak on behalf of mothers everywhere. She said, “I hope the shareholders were able to understand that I represent, not just angry moms, but moms who are informed, citizens. We have the experiences with our children and the science to back us up.” She promises that “Moms will not stop. We will not give up, because the love for our children will never end.”

Moms Across America plans a Moms MeetUp on mayo 2, 2015, where Moms will meet in their communities and cause a billion-dollar shift to organic food. Go to for more information.


 Contacto sobre el poder

Tracy Geraghty Research Analyst Harrington Investments, Inc   T 800.788.0154   F 707.257.7923

Madres de Zen Honeycutt en todo Estados Unidos (949) 307-6695 [email protected]




(2) Honeycutt, Z., Rowlands, H. Informe de pruebas de glifosato: hallazgos en la leche materna, la orina y el agua de las madres estadounidenses. Realizado por Moms Across America y Sustainable Pulse, abril 7, 2014

(3) Glifosato encontrado en el informe del líquido del tubo de alimentación y detalles en

(4) Curr Microbiol DOI 10.1007 / s00284- 012-0277-2 El efecto del glifosato sobre posibles patógenos y miembros beneficiosos de la microbiota avícola in vitro Awad A. Shehata • Wieland Schro ̈dl • Alaa. A. Aldin • Hafez M. Hafez • Monika Kru ̈ger

(5) “The Secrets of Sugar” The Fifth Estate Canadian Broadcasting Channel

(6) Robert Wood “ Food Allergies for Dummies” http://drrobertwood/food-allergy-epidemic.shtml and Robyn O’Brien, author “The UnHealthy Truth”

(7) National Alliance on Mental Illness - for more help with mental health check out this resource.

(8) Entropía, abril 2013, Samsel A, Seneff S, la supresión del glifosato de las enzimas del citocromo P450 y la biosíntesis de aminoácidos por el microbioma intestinal: vías hacia enfermedades modernas

(9) Glyphosate The Destructor of Human Health Rosemary Mason

(10) Resumen y defectos de nacimiento; ¿Se mantiene al público en la oscuridad? Earth Open Source junio 2011, Antoniou, Habib, Howard, Jennings, Leifery, Nodari, Robinson, Fagan

Y los herbicidas a base de glifosato son disruptores tóxicos y endocrinos en las líneas celulares humanas. Toxicología 262 (2009) 184 - 191; Carla L. Barberis, Cecilia S. Carranza, Stella M. Chiacchiera y Carina E. Magnoli (2013)

(11)Time and Dose-Dependent Effects of Roundup on Human Embryonic and Placental Cells; Benchour, Sipahutar, Moslemi, Gasnier, Travert, Seralini. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology

(12) Roundup disrupts male reproductive functions by triggering calcium-mediated cell death in rat testis and Sertoli cells. Vera Lúcia de Liz Oliveira Cavallia et al. Elsevier Journal

(13) International Journal of Environmental Research and ISSN 1660-4601 Glyphosate, Hard Water and Nephrotoxic Metals: Are They the

¿Los culpables de la epidemia de enfermedad renal crónica del hígado?

(14) Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and Occupational Exposure to Agricultural Pesticide Chemical Groups and Active Ingredients: A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisSource: Leah Schinasi and Maria E. Leon

(15) Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases II: Celiac sprue and gluten intoleranceAnthony SAMSEL and Stephanie SENEFF

(16) Journal of Food & Chemical Toxicology, junio 2013, Thongprakaisang S, Thiantanawat A, Rangkadilok N, Surivo T, Satavavivad J, Glifosato induce el crecimiento de células de cáncer de mama humano a través de receptores de estrógenos, ( / pubmed / 23756170);

(17) Entropía, abril 2013, Samsel A, Seneff S, la supresión del glifosato de las enzimas del citocromo P450 y la biosíntesis de aminoácidos por el microbioma intestinal: vías hacia enfermedades modernas

Mostrando 2 reacciones

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  • Karen sullivan
    comentado 2015-04-13 12:24:55 -0400
    Thank you for all our efforts. I don’t know anyone whose family has not been affected by GMOs and glyphosate “poisoning”. How anyone can NOT see the health effects being played out in this country is beyond me. All one has to do is look at when GMOs hit our stores and look at when cancer rates increased 10 fold, and obesity, autism, alzhiemers, infertility became common place. I am 61 yrs. old I remember when these conditions didn’t exist. I have researched and read everything I can get my hands on about this topic. The only conclusion I can come too as to why our government allows this and protects Monsanto, etal is because they employed Monsanto to find a non-obvious way to reduce the population. After all haven’t we been hearing for decades how Soc. Sec. was not going to solvent when it came time to pay out benefits to the Baby Boomers? Kill them off with cancer and Alzhiemers and then you won’t have to. Problem with that plan is you’re are also killing off the young.
  • Jessica denning
    comentado 2015-02-03 19:37:26 -0500
    Zen, thank you from my heart for a job well done, for your passion, your generosity and your persistence in educating about the presence of GMOs, pesticide delivery systems, in our foods.
    You have shown that the emperor has no clothes. That corporate front groups promote unfounded frankenfoods which have never been independently tested, and that the EPA considers these poisons safe or (GRAS) generally recognized as safe, and has deregulated them. The glyphosate and bT toxins (breaks down into formaldehyde etc) now has invaded our soil, water, and children’s bodies.
    We appreciate you going the extra mile for our children and generations to come, in posting evidence of harm from these genetically engineered foods and their associated poisons, and taking the message to the source, Monsanto Stockholders meeting, and speaking to the CEO about changing to a new direction.
    Not in our bodies. Not in our waters. Not on our soils or anywhere else in the world. Contamination is forever.

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