New Soybean Paper - Moms Across America

New GMO Soybean Paper Results

A new Soybean Paper comparing 31 soybean batches shows that GMO soybeans ARE substantially different from non GMO soybeans, are drastically less nutritious, and are contaminated with toxic levels of glyphosate.

 Compositional differences in soybeans on the market: glyphosate accumulates in Roundup Ready GM soybeans, Food Chemistry (2013), doi:


This article describes the nutrient and elemental composition, including residues of herbicides and pesticides, of 31 soybean batches from Iowa, USA. The soy samples were grouped into three different categories: i) genetically modified, glyphosate-tolerant soy (GM-soy); ii) unmodified soy cultivated using a conventional “chemical” cultivation regime; and iii) unmodified soy cultivated using an organic cultivation regime. Organic soybeans showed the healthiest nutritional profile with more sugars, such as glucose, fructose, sucrose and maltose, significantly more total protein, zinc and less fibre than both conventional and GM-soy. Organic soybeans also contained less total saturated fat and total omega-6 fatty acids than both conventional and GM-soy. GM-soy contained high residues of glyphosate and AMPA (mean 3.3 and 5.7 mg/kg, respectively). Conventional and organic soybean batches contained none of these agrochemicals. Using 35 different nutritional and elemental variables to characterise each soy sample, we were able to discriminate GM, conventional and organic soybeans without exception, demonstrating “substantial non-equivalence” in compositional characteristics for ‘ready- to-market’ soybeans.

"Subsantial Non-equivalence"???

The entire basis of GMO foods not needing FDA long term human safety testing because they are "Not substantially-unequivalent" to non GMO foods is FALSE*. The FDA needs to put a moratorium on GMO foods now,do the testing required and remove any harmful ingredients from our food. Please sign our petition today

Did you see the levels of Glyphosate?

Glyphosate is the active chemical ingredient in Roundup ( most widely used herbicide) and has been linked to autism, Alzheimer's, asthma, allergies, auto immune disorders, diabetes, bi polar and more. The average levels found below are tens of thousands times higher than what was shown to be toxic in an animal study in Europe: .1 ppm. Breast cancer cell growth proliferated in the presence of glyphosate in an Asian study at a tenth of a part per trillion. The allowable levels are outrageous.Even if they do meet "EPA allowable levels" these standards are for a 175 pound man, not a baby or child. There should be NO glyphosate in our food. The science for glyphosate, claiming it is safe is now 20 years old. The latest research show glyphosate causing organ damage, damage to gut bacteria(therefore the immune system), impairing of the liver's function to detox and breaking down of the blood brain barrier, allowing toxins in. ( See Samsel and Seneff and Mason Papers on previous blogs)

Well, I don't really drink soy milk or eat much Tofu, you may I don't have anything to worry about. Do you drink lemonade at restaurants? There is soy in there. Do you eat chinese food with soy sauce? Snack bars and processed foods with soy lecithin? Eat beef jerky? Fries at restaurants? Soy, Soy, soybean oil. Soy products are in huge amount of our foods and this paper points out clearly that we are being robbed of nutrients, contaminated with a harmful chemical and frankly, lied to by Big Ag and Big Chem.

 Mom don't take well to lying. We find out the truth. We research.

Please do your own research and get your child's urine tested for glyphosate:

Thank you to these courageous and committed people for finding and sharing the truth:  Bøhn, T., Cuhra, M., Traavik, T., Sanden, M., Fagan, J., Primicerio, R. for this paper.

The link to the full paper of the above abstract summary, published by Food Chemistry:

To see additional papers on the effects of Roundup and glyphosate:


If Roundup/Glyphosate does this to food bacteria, what is it doing to the bacteria in our gut lining ( ie: immune sytem)? It would't take a rocket scientist to surmise that Roundup/Glyphosate is most likely destroying our gut bacteria, and therefore the stronghold -70% of our immune system. WITHOUT OUR GUT BACTERIA we slowly get sick and die. Period. Seems to me our health insurance companies might want to look into this Roundup. For sure I hope Moms and Dads do, because kids can't. They need us. If you want to read more, click below:

Effects of Roundup and Glyphosate on Three Food Organisms ( Basically Roundup/glyphosate destroys the good stuff in milk etc)

Seralini's paper on cellular damage and endocrine disruption ( birth defects and miscarriages) at much lower levels than claimed.

*See this article from Washington University also showing a new discovery, that proteins are not the only things manipulated during Genetic Engineering, genes are affected as well, and could be impacting increased rates of disease and cancer. This makes GMO foods SUBSTANTIALLY Un Equivalent!

Want to do something about this? Send this new information to your Newspaper Editors. Demand it be published. Send it to your favorite food manufactures asking for a statement about GMO soy. Make your demand for healthy, whole GMO free and Glyphosate free food HEARD.

It's up to us Moms, we buy 85% of the food!

Zen honeycutt

 UPDATE: New GMO Corn paper shows that GMO corn is also substantially different from non GMO.


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  • Ruth
    followed this page 2016-10-12 09:52:04 -0400

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