La FDA significa dejar a las empresas de alimentos fuera del gancho OTRA VEZ - Moms Across America

La FDA significa dejar a las empresas de alimentos fuera del gancho OTRA VEZ

Esperamos que tenga unas vacaciones maravillosas y tenga la oportunidad de descansar. Desafortunadamente, la FDA nunca cesa sus travesuras.

Below is a link to an article on the FDA's current redefining of "healthy" only using nutritional content for parameters. And then not enforcing it.


"While FDA is considering how to redefine the term “healthy” as a nutrient content claim, food manufacturers can continue to use the term “healthy” on foods that meet the current regulatory definition. FDA is also issuing a guidance document stating that FDA does not intend to enforce the regulatory requirements for products that use the term if certain criteria described in the guidance document are met"


This means by only classifying "healthy" under NUTRITIONAL content, they avoid GMO and pesticides, continuing to allow them in "healthy" food.

Ihealthy-foods.jpg . cheerios.png

Incluso Google lo sabe mejor: si busca "Alimentos saludables", lo que aparece son alimentos integrales a la izquierda, no alimentos procesados como Cheerios, a la derecha, que tiene altos niveles de residuos de glifosato.


Además, la decisión de la FDA de "redefinir la salud" retrasa con éxito el resultado de cualquier acción legal contra las compañías de alimentos,

"The FDA’s action on “healthy” may prove meaningful for food companies in a number of ways. For example, companies currently defending lawsuits challenging “healthy” on labels may consider seeking a stay of litigation pending FDA’s final action"

¡Indignante! Su "acción final" tomará AÑOS. E incluso entonces, debido a que la FDA no lo hará cumplir, legalmente, será casi imposible hacer que las compañías de alimentos rindan cuentas por sus reclamos.

Pídales a sus seguidores y amigos que hagan comentarios aquí:


¡Dígale a la FDA que HAGA SU TRABAJO!


Mientras tanto, mientras nuestras agencias reguladoras se rebajan a nuevos niveles de baja, irresponsabilidad y corrupción, una vez más afirmamos que las mujeres y las madres que toman el 90% de las opciones de los hogares son las que cambiarán esto.

The fact is that if we don't buy it, the food companies cannot sell it.

Todo lo que necesitamos hacer es empoderar a las mujeres y las mamás y podemos transformar el sistema alimentario y el futuro de América 

Your donation to Moms Across America creates a huge shift to organic!

¡Gracias por su apoyo!


Con amor,

Equipo Zen y MAA


Mi comentario a la FDA a continuación:

"Healthy" food must not only be determined by nutritional content. That is an incomplete, inaccurate and irresponsible way to determine "healthy". We Moms Across America can see through this tactic and we are NOT BUYNG IT!
We determine healthy to mean 100% natural, from nature, not a lab- NO GMOs, NO man made synthetic, harmful chemicals, and NO artificial dyes, preservatives or additives which have ever shown to cause short or long term harm.

By only using nutritional content to define "healthy", the FDA means to legally allow GMOs and harmful chemicals in "healthy food". This would support food companies who are being sued for "unhealthy" food which is labeled "healthy" from being liable.
It must be clarified that when the industry says a chemical is "not toxic" and therefore does not need to be tested or labeled and can be allowed in "healthy" food, they are using a loop hope in the testing process. "Toxic" according to industry means that it kills an animal in 4 days. We mothers are not feeding our child a food for only 4 days. We feed our children for the long term, and a small amount of a "non toxic" chemical can cause great "harm" over many years. "Harmful", meaning short or long term harm, is completely disregarded as a term in the food industry, and therefore harmful chemicals are allowed, even in "healthy" food. This is immoral.

We deserve to have food which does not have toxic or harmful chemicals for our children. We demand long term testing showing full disclosure and final formulation testing of chemical products sprayed on our food, not just the one "declared active chemical ingredient". We know that the current system is set up to allow food companies to add chemicals to our food, our to allow chemical residues from GMO and chemical farming, and to not be responsible for the impact on consumers. 

The public should know that the FDA has falsely classified GMOs and pesticides/herbicides/fungicides under a PROCESS not as ADDITIVES so that the food companies do not have to label and safety test. We mothers know that "additives" are required to be labeled and safety tested. The food companies want to avoid testing and labeling, and the FDA allows them this lack of accountability. This does not create healthy food, this only creates wealth for the food companies. 

It is unethical and irresponsible that the chemicals that the EPA and FDA allowed to be sprayed on our food and feed crops have never been proven safe to the EPA in their final formulation state. This is misleading to the American public. The FDA is responsible for ensuring that our food is safe, healthy and nutritious, not for protecting the profits of the chemical companies. We ask the FDA to have integrity and responsibility and to classify "healthy " as grown or raised naturally (in nature) not in a lab, fed or being Non GMO, Pesticide (including herbicides/fungicides) Free, low in sugar, sodium, no transfats, no MSG, no carrageenan, and free of other harmful additives/preservatives/dyes. 

Thank you,
Zen Honeycutt
Executive Director, Moms Across America
Mom of 3 boys who got healthier when they avoided GMOs and toxic/harmful chemicals


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  • Marca marrón
    comentado 8 years ago
    ZenHoneycutt+MomsAcrossAmerica=AWESOME! I can’t even begin2tellU how
    AwesomeUR! You put a smile on my face after I wake up! Keep up the Great
    Work! OrganicAmericaRocks! 50% cheaper Healing with OrganicHippocrates!
    Let’s do a Marshall type project 2convert America2Organic+Renewables!
    Put everybody back2work! Small Organic Farmers Rock! StandingRock=YES!
    KeepUpTheGreatWorkUGuys….Your Friend Maverick…Mark BrownPA Hopkinsgrad.
  • Nancy joy callihan
    comentado 8 years ago
    The FDA needs to be held to their responsibility of protecting us from foods that are unhealthy, toxic, GMO, etc. Enough is enough of this veiled “help” and “regulation” that they are doing. The FDA “emperor” has no clothes! Check out the research and the facts and you will find out for yourself. They are in the pocket of of the big food industry and corporations.

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