Organic Land Care for CA Schools Bill 468 - Moms Across America

Ley Orgánica de Cuidado de Tierras para Escuelas de California 468

¡Hoy es la fecha límite para pedirles a nuestros legisladores que apoyen este proyecto de ley!

The California Guild has introduced Assembly Bill 468 authored by Assemblyman Muratsuchi (D-Torrance). We should be proud of this landmark legislation that will require California school
sites and day care centers to utilize organic landscape management practices at school sites, playgrounds and athletic fields, replacing harmful pesticide and herbicides.  The bill is co-sponsored by Non-Toxic Communities and Beyond Pesticides.

Send in your letters of support!

AB 468 will begin its long journey into becoming law in front of the Assembly Education Committee on marzo 27.  We need your letters of support – DUE marzo 19 by 5 pm

More information on AB 468 is available here:

What can you do?   SEND SUPPORT LETTERS!

Personal letters and letters from organizations are welcome.  If you represent an
organization, your letter should be on your organization’s letterhead

The deadline for receiving support letters or emails to the Assembly Education Committee
is 5:00 pm, Tuesday, marzo 19.

Personalize your letter any way you want.  For example, stories about children affected by pesticides are compelling.



The Honorable Patrick O'Donnell, Chairman
Assembly Education Committee
1020 N Street, Room 159
Sacramento, CA  95814

Dear Chairman O’Donnell and Members:

Our organization strongly supports Assembly Bill 468 (Muratsuchi), requiring use of Organic Landscape Management Practices at schoolsites where children learn and play



Title or Office

cc:  Honorable Al Muratsuchi, 66th Assembly District (D-Torrance); Honorable Kevin Kiley,
6th Assembly District (R-Rocklin), Vice-Chair, Assembly Education Committee; Robert
Becker, Republican Caucus Consultant; Jocelyn Twilla, Secretary of Assembly Committee
on Education; Sophia Kwong, Staff of Assembly Education Committee; Brian Singh, Staff for Assemblyman Muratsuchi; Diana Rudé, Legislative Advocate, California Guild

Email to ALL of the following persons (five e-mail addresses):

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Questions? Call Jessica at (916) 715-2731 or contact:

Diana Rude'
Legislative Advocate
California Guild
(916) 202-6459 (cell)
[email protected]

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