Example Talking Points for City Council
Chesterfield City Council presentations
Prepared by Doris Knick
My name is _____, I am a ___ (occupation) and a ____year resident of ____ city. We, The Residents of Our City, Request the Following Course of Action be Taken by our City Commissioners and City Council Regarding Any “Small” Cell Wireless Telecommunication Facility Applications or Construction.
According to 47 US Code , 332 7 C, under the Senate Bill S652*, the Telecommunications Act 1996 specifically omits the word “operations” from preemption regulation of a local municipality. This omission reserves that power for states and cities to legally regulate operations of facilities.
See Plan C for regulating operations, if the city chooses to depart from city planning practices and allow above-ground telecommunications utilities.
Since so many small cell wireless telecommunication towers have been and are planned to be deployed, the City also should require an industry “needs assessment”, by the Telecom company to show where they have a “gap” in existing coverage.
To justify the location of the Tower near the school. If there is no coverage gap then it should be disabled or removed.
I can send you additional documentation of the Planning commission decision denying the placement of Small cell Technology in Monterey CA if we did not already do so. The conclusion is found on page 8. The Planning commission used its authority to deny placement based on there being no existing “gap” in coverage, thus no “need” for the technology.
I hope & pray you will hear the plea of all of us parents including myself and shut 5G down immediately to help protect our children and save lives?
Thank you for time and consideration to this matter.
2nd Speaker:
My name is _____, I am a ___ (occupation) and a ____year resident of ____ city. We, The Residents of Our City, Request the Following Course of Action be Taken by our City Commissioners and City Council Regarding Any “Small” Cell Wireless Telecommunication Facility Applications or Construction.
5G is the next generation of wireless technology. It uses new types of radiofrequency (RF) microwave radiation to transmit large amounts of data, but it works best over short distances, requiring closer proximity to users and the dense deployment of antennas. The rollout of 5G will mean the deployment of a vast new network of antennas in neighborhoods all across America.
- Human exposure guidelines for RF microwave radiation used by the FCC are more than twenty years old, and address only thermal, not biological impacts of exposure, which have now been firmly established. The guidelines have been the subject of an open FCC docket since 2013 with no resolution, creating an uncertain regulatory environment. RF Side effects will be shared by our next Unstoppable Parent of Chesterfield VA
- Over the last 20 years, a robust body of independent science has emerged showing significant biological impacts from exposure to RF microwave radiation, including “clear evidence” of cancer, neurological and cognitive harm, heart abnormalities, reproductive effects and microwave sickness among other serious health problems. Populations especially at risk include pregnant women, children, the elderly, individuals with implanted medical devices, or cardiac or neurological problems.
- More than 250 medical and public health professionals have signed a joint statement urging government officials to consider the latest science on microwave radiation and human health, especially as it may be resulting in abnormal brain development in unborn children.
- Freedom of choice is a fundamental American value. The FCC and the telecom industry should not force American citizens to endure involuntary exposure to powerful wireless radiation 24/7 in their own homes.
- Installing 5G antennas in residential areas is not required for public safety or national security. The real purpose of the 5G rollout is to allow telecom companies to compete with cable companies to stream video, and to a lesser extent, to increase the capacity of “smart devices” and enable the “Internet
This information and more can also be found on 5G crisis.com
I hope & pray you will hear the plea of all of us parents including myself and shut 5G down immediately. Will you help us protect our children and save lives?
3rd Speaker:
My name is _____, I am a ___ (occupation) and a ____year resident of ____ city. We, The Residents of Our City, Request the Following Course of Action be Taken by our City Commissioners and City Council Regarding Any “Small” Cell Wireless Telecommunication Facility Applications or Construction.
The notion that exposure to radio-frequency microwave radiation is not harmful to humans, which has been the underlying principle of all federal legislation and regulations regarding wireless technologies for more than twenty years, has now been proven false.
Recent and Significant Health Studies on Wireless Microwave Radiation include:
* The National Institutes of Health study. This $30-million dollar study, conducted by the National Toxicology Program of the National Institute of Health, was designed to determine whether exposure to radio-frequency radiation from cell phones and other wireless devices could cause cancer. A review of the data by independent experts showed that the cause and effect relationship was actually much stronger than previously thought. Despite industry spin, experts have labeled this study as "clear evidence" of the link between RF microwave radiation and carcinogenicity.
The Ramazzini Institute Study. This study found that lab animals exposed to the radio-frequency radiation emitted by distant cell towers had a greater chance of developing heart tumors than those which were not exposed. This study, funded in part by the U. S. government, was the first large-scale study to show clear evidence of cancer risk from far-field exposures.
Cancer Epidemiology Update. This recent (septiembre, 2018) study shows that the current scientific evidence supports the conclusion that RF microwave radiation is a proven cause of cancer. The paper reviews animal experimental evidence and human epidemiology studies (case-control, cohort, time trend and case studies) published after the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) categorized RF microwave radiation as a possible human carcinogen (Group 2B) in 2011.
Reproductive Health Studies. Several recent studies have been conducted to investigate the direct influence of electromagnetic radiation on sperm. The conclusion of virtually all independent studies is that men who carried their phones in a pocket or on the belt were more likely to have lower sperm counts and/or more inactive or less mobile sperm. These findings corroborate similar results in laboratory animals.
* A Digest of Independent Science on Public Health Concerns Regarding Wireless Radiation, containing hundreds of peer-reviewed, published studies like these, is available at http://grassrootsinfo.org/emergingscience.php
I hope & pray you will hear the plea of all of us parents including myself and shut 5G down immediately in order to protect our children and save lives. Thank you for your time and consideration to this matter
4th Speaker:
My name is _____, I am a ___ (occupation) and a ____year resident of ____ city. We, The Residents of Our City, Request the Following Course of Action be Taken by our City Commissioners and City Council Regarding Any “Small” Cell Wireless Telecommunication Facility Applications or Construction.
(Anyone with sensitivities want to share about these?)
I would like to list for you the symptoms common to this type of 5G Radio Frequency (RF) __________ (name of 4th speaker) which she referred to:
This information can be found at: www.microwavedvets.com
Headaches, dizziness, Nausea, Skin Rash, itchy skin, burning skin sensation, tingling sensation, tremors, muscle spasms, muscle and joint pain, restless leg syndrome, foot issues, low/high pressure, facial flushing, dehydration, body metals redistribution, leukemia, lymphoma
Difficulty concentrating, memory loss, brain damage, mood disorder, personality disorder, increased irritability, decreasing trust in people, depression, anxiety, ADHD/ADD, Digestive Issues, Abdominal Pain, Enlarged Thyroid, Hair loss, Testicular/Ovarian Pain Low, Sperm motility, Miscarriages, Electromagnetic Sensitivity
Tinnitus, Hearing loss, Irregular Sleep Pattern, Insomnia, Chronic Fatigue, Deteriorating Vision, Pressure in/behind eyes, Eye Damage, Cataracts, Immune Abnormalities, Altered Sugar Metabolism, Asthma Attacks, Bronchitis, Pnemonia, Inflamed Sinuses, Chest Pain/Pressure, Heart Arrhythmia, and Heart Palpitations
Now let me ask you 2 questions would you like to be surrounded to 5G radiation 24-7, 365 days a year?
Would you want your kids to be?
I hope & pray you will hear the plea of all of us parents including myself and shut 5G down immediately in order to help us protect our children and save lives.
Thank you for time and consideration to this matter.
5th Speaker: Doris Knick
My name is _____, I am a ___ (occupation) and a ____year resident of ____ city. We, The Residents of Our City, Request the Following Course of Action be Taken by our City Commissioners and City Council Regarding Any “Small” Cell Wireless Telecommunication Facility Applications or Construction.
We are asking that you kindly recommend to our Mayor to turn off the small cell Facitilies nearby Woolridge Elementary School on Woolridge Road immediately.
I have been in Contact with the Superintendent of Chesterfield School District and have shared the same documentation with her as I have with you.
I have also shared with her information from how a Superintendent is Oregon State has changed their policy to make schools safer for kids when using technology.
If you need more information from us even what we’ve spoken to you about today we have that in writing and would be happy to supply it to your office.
We have begun a petition for the Mayor but felt you all could relay it to him faster than we could.
I have sent you a long documentation explaining the dangers with references to scientific studies, and more you have graciously listened to the 5 of us express our united concerns.
I have also shared why your hands are not “tied” and information regarding the fact that you do have the jurisdiction to turn them off.
If you still don’t have sufficient enough evidence after all the documents I’ve sent and listening to us unstoppable parents of Chesterfield VA we would like to request a one hour study session and in the meantime for these small Wireless Telecommunication facilities to be turned off until you’ve had enough time to look into this further until we can speak with you at length.
If you do not turn them off you are not preventing mitigation for the imminent dangers that they pose to the citizens, animals, and wildlife surrounding them. My entire family is feeling many of these symptoms already and our home is slightly further away from these small wireless telecommunication facilities than Woolridge Elementary School.
I hope & pray you will hear the plea of all of us neighbors and parents including myself and shut 5G down immediately. Thank you for time and consideration to this matter. Will you help us protect our children and save lives?