Glifosato encontrado en todas las 5 principales marcas de jugo de naranja

Glifosato encontrado en todas las 5 principales marcas de jugo de naranja


Actualizado agosto 6, 2021

In 2015 the USDA reported orange juice was the most consumed fruit juice in the United States and oranges were the second most consumed fruit overall, just slightly behind apples. The average person in America consumes  2.7 gallons of orange juice and 3 pounds of oranges each year. “100% Pure Orange Juice” is a common claim used by many juice brands that allow consumers to feel safe when serving it to their families daily. However, recent testing revealed that every one of the five top orange juice brands Moms Across America sent to an accredited lab tested positive for glyphosate weed killer. Glyphosate is the declared active chemical ingredient in Roundup, manufactured by Monsanto, and 750 other brands of glyphosate-based herbicides. Roundup is the most widely used herbicide in the world, often sprayed as a weedkiller between citrus trees, found in irrigation water and rain. 

Moms Across America founder Zen Honeycutt stated, "The discovery of glyphosate residue in orange juice is unacceptable, especially since a branch of the World Health Organization designated glyphosate a probable carcinogen, two years ago, back in the spring of 2015. The EPA has had ample time to revoke the license of this chemical and restrict its use in our food and beverage crops. As confirmed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, our children (who frequently drink orange juice for breakfast) are especially vulnerable to pesticides and measures should be taken immediately to protect them."

Two samples of each of the following brands were tested for both the herbicide glyphosate and its residue AMPA. Positive results ranged from 4.33 parts per billion (“ppb”) to an alarming 26.05 ppb. Chemical farming proponents will claim that these levels are too low to cause harm, and are lower than the EPA's allowable glyphosate residue level of 30 ppm on citrus, but these claims are irrelevant in comparison to new data. Studies have shown that only 0.1 ppm (100ppb) of glyphosate destroys beneficial gut bacteria, weakening the immune system, which can lead to a wide variety of health and neurological issues. Considering the standard American diet high wheat, sugar, oatmeal, soy, and corn, with levels of up to 6000 ppb or 1.67ppm have been detected,  a child can easily exceed 100 ppb if a glass of orange juice is added at  26 ppb.

Additionally, 1 part per trillion (ppt) has been shown to stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells. 1 ppt is equivalent to 1 drop in the water of 22 Olympic swimming pools combined. Considering that studies show glyphosate bioaccumulates in bone marrow, any amount ingested is unacceptable.









 The full report can be seen here. The testing methodology was "Glyphosate and AMPA Detection by UPLC-MS/MS."

Los Laboratorios del Instituto de Investigación de la Salud se someten rutinariamente a pruebas de competencia de terceros independientes de sus métodos. El laboratorio también está certificado bajo la Ley de enmiendas de mejora de laboratorios clínicos de 1988 (CLIA-88) para realizar pruebas clínicas de alta complejidad.

In addition to being listed as a carcinogen on California EPA's Prop 65 list in July of 2017, a study published in January of 2017 proved chronic consumption of low levels of Roundup (which contains glyphosate) caused fatty liver disease in animals. Only 0.1 ppb (50 ng/L glyphosate equivalent dilution; 4 ng/kg body weight/day daily intake) was confirmed to cause liver dysfunction. According to the Liver Foundation, 1 out of 10 Americans now has liver disease. 

Earlier studies have demonstrated that Roundup has an endocrine-disrupting effect, leading to congenital disabilities such as anencephaly (small or missing brain), miscarriages, and infertility. The EPA knows about the negative health implications of glyphosate use but has refused to ban this harmful chemical and even permits the manufacturer to make claims that the product is safe when “used as directed.”

Captura de pantalla 2017-09-22 en  12.59. 28 PM .png

Florida es una ubicación central para el cultivo de cítricos. Se han aplicado hasta 3.5 millones de libras de glifosato por milla cuadrada en Florida durante 12 años. Se desconoce el impacto ambiental en peces, aves, vida silvestre y la calidad del agua.

However, even when it is “used as directed,” studies show glyphosate is harmful in minute amounts because it functions. It is known as an endocrine disruptor. This chelator causes mineral deficiency, antibiotics, and organ damage. Glyphosate herbicides also inhibit enzymes and increase the impact of other toxins and heavy metals. Copper is often used to kill bacteria in the citrus industry. Copper is also toxic to sperm and is so destructive that it's commonly used in IUDs, a widely used form of birth control. Allowing glyphosate to be sprayed on oranges and other crops increases the potential impact of copper and its contribution to the rapid decline of sperm quality and sterilization. When we offer orange juice, a favorite breakfast drink, to the males in our lives, this is not a typical consideration most Americans knowingly contemplate.

Conventional citrus growers often insist that harsh chemical herbicides are necessary to maintain crop production and prevent water competition between weeds and the orange trees. However, Dr. Don Huber, a professor at Purdue University, a farmer-educator, and a plant pathologist with 50 years of experience, has stated that this is untrue; water usage is increased by using glyphosate as are fungal disease and other problems. Furthermore, he emphatically asserts that “the science and epidemiological data show glyphosate is NOT safe.” He has found many disadvantages to glyphosate use, including a reduction in productivity. He is concerned that the USGS showed that counties in Florida, a mecca of citrus growers, had as much as two tons per square mile of residual glyphosate/AMPA in them. Some of the disadvantages that he has identified are:

1. “Glyphosate reduces water-use efficiency by 50%, so it takes twice as much water with glyphosate than it would be using a brachia grass mulch for weed control as was done by citrus growers in Brazil.

2. Los productores de cítricos que usan herbicidas con glifosato perderán más árboles debido a la clorosis variegada de los cítricos (causada por xylella fastidiosa y, a veces, llamada tizón de los cítricos o CVC) con el uso de glifosato y pronto estarán en la misma posición que están con la inminente desaparición de su producción de aceitunas de esta enfermedad, y por la misma razón.

3. Nutrient availability, water infiltration into the soil, and natural biological controls of their soil-borne diseases are greatly reduced by glyphosate's mineral nutrient chelation and antibiotic activity.  It takes more fertilizer to compensate for the reduced nutrient availability. ”- Dr. Huber

 El educador de agricultores Bob Streit añadió: "En realidad, la producción de cítricos se ha reducido en más del 50 % con respecto a hace diez años debido a que el pesticida ha contaminado el agua de riego. Los análisis independientes del suelo realizados por laboratorios cualificados y el USGS (Servicio Geológico de EE. UU.) han confirmó la contaminación del suelo y el agua. El efecto de quelación está debilitando tanto a los árboles que las bacterias débiles los están matando".

El hecho es que la EPA ha admitido ante un equipo de científicos y yo mismo, en persona, que no tienen ningún estudio a largo plazo en animales con análisis de sangre en ninguna de las formulaciones finales de Roundup. Como es su política exigir solo estudios de seguridad sobre un ingrediente químico activo declarado, no la formulación final de ningún producto químico, carece de fundamento científico afirmar que las formulaciones finales de herbicidas a base de glifosato son seguras en cualquier capacidad o cantidad.

Due to the growing body of evidence that demonstrates the severe harm caused by glyphosate-based herbicides, Moms Across America and a consistently increasing base of consumers are asking food manufacturers to discontinue the use of glyphosate immediately. Letters were sent to the CEOs and board members of the manufacturers of the orange juice brands that were tested in June of 2017, and none of the manufacturers responded except for Costco, who replied that consumers have an option to select their organic brand. We were not assured that they would encourage conventional orange growers to discontinue the use of glyphosate and switch to organic methods as was requested. Organic growers, who are not legally permitted to use glyphosate herbicides, utilize safer alternatives that are available. Many people cannot afford organic, however, and turn to products labeled “Natural” instead. The term “Natural” on a package of a food product that contains glyphosate weedkiller is widely considered misleading, however, and potentially harmful to the consumer.

Safer alternatives are available. Biostimulants, a more natural alternative, have been shown to have positive effects and come in a wide range of different products, including beneficial soil bacteria, beneficial fungi, humic substances, and seaweed extract, according to the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences plant physiologist Dr. Ute Albrecht. Dr. Albrecht says research indicates the biostimulants “have positive effects on plant growth and also on crop yields,” and she is now studying biostimulant use in citrus. Additional alternatives are also available, such as steam weed control, cover crops, mulch, and bio-diverse farming.

Considering the enormous spike in cancer and chronic health issues in the United States since the advent of GMOs and glyphosate, as well as the considerable amount of scientific data to support a correlation, thousands of citizens are now urging regulators, farmers, and pesticide applicators to discontinue the use of glyphosate and toxic chemicals immediately. Nearly 1,000 individuals have sued Monsanto due to the connection between non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and Roundup.

La aprobación de la EPA del glifosato debe denegarse, y tanto los consumidores como los agricultores se beneficiarían del uso de métodos alternativos en el cultivo de cítricos.

¿Quieres hacer algo al respecto?

Pida a las marcas de jugo de naranja que cambien a prácticas de agricultura regenerativa orgánica para proteger a nuestros niños, los agricultores, la vida silvestre, el suelo y el agua.

Tropicana- Pepsi-Co - (914) 253-2000 - CEO - Indra Nooyi

Minute Maid - Coca-Cola - (800)-438-2653 - Alexander Douglas Jr. President

Stater bros -(855)-782-8377 - CEO Peter Van Helden

Vons - (877)-723-3929 -CEO Willam Davilla

Costco - (425)- 313- 8100- CEO Craig Jelinek 

Moms Across America y los consumidores entienden que es improbable que nuestra administración revoque la licencia del glifosato. Aún así, como han solicitado millones de europeos y ciudadanos del mundo, es un paso necesario para proteger a los humanos y nuestro medio ambiente. También entendemos que es una gran petición pedir a los agricultores que cambien a la agricultura orgánica regenerativa. Respondemos que tenemos fe en nuestros agricultores. Son ingeniosos. Hay métodos alternativos disponibles y le suplicamos, por el bien de su familia y la salud pública, que haga ese cambio. ¡Celebraremos y apoyaremos a quienes lo hagan! 

Update: diciembre 3, 2018, For more information on what is happening in Florida, click here.

Solicitamos a nuestra EPA que revoque la licencia de glifosato de inmediato.

Llame a Neil Andersen, Gerente de sucursal de la Junta de Revisión de Pesticidas de la EPA (703) - 308-8187

We also understand that it is a big request to ask farmers to switch to organic regenerative farming. We respond that we have faith in our farmers. They are ingenious. Alternative methods are available, and we beseech them for the sake of their family, farmworkers, and public health to make that switch. We will celebrate and support those who do! 

Moms Across America is a 501c3 nonprofit whose motto is “Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids.��


Zen honeycutt

[email protected]

Corrección octubre 11 2:25pm PT 

Se señaló que el error tipográfico 0.1 ppb debería haber sido 0.1 ppm de herbicidas de glifosato que han demostrado destruir las bacterias intestinales.

El artículo fue corregido para leer:

Studies have shown that only 0.1 ppm (100ppb) of glyphosate destroys beneficial gut bacteria, weakening the immune system, leading to a wide variety of health and neurological issues. Considering the standard American diet high wheat, sugar, oatmeal, soy, and corn, with levels of up to 6000 ppb or 1.67ppm have been detected,  a child can easily exceed 100 ppb if a glass of orange juice is added at 26 ppb.










Mostrando 17 reacciones

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  • Ravindra Ug
    comentado 2024-04-26 02:07:13 -0400
    It is an interesting article. Unogeeks is the top Oracle Fusion HCM Training Institute, which provides the best"> Oracle Fusion HCM Training
  • Pat Johnson
    comentado 2021-05-04 08:56:56 -0400
    No permita que se rocíen frutas. La fruta entera se tritura para hacer jugo comercialmente.
  • Dan mcgill
    comentado 2020-05-20 01:10:02 -0400
    I think this absolutely terrible. My friends run ( and they stay away from those types of chemicals.
  • Dra. Julie K Bjornson
    comentado 2019-07-01 22:33:26 -0400
    I do not know of any orange juice brand that does not have glyphosate. The groves we are restoring are small and the juice is not on the market.

    What I would do to neutralize glyphosate in a beverage, whether orange juice, bottled water, or any other liquid you question, add 5-10 drops of PURINIZE, a patented, liquid, water purification product that has been lab tested to neutralize glyphosate.

    Purchase at and use OASIS code for a 15% discount.
    The lab tests for this product should be on the website. PURINIZE
    neutralizes more than glyphosate.

    I have used this product, under a different name, as my home water purification system for many years, treating water, 2 tsp/gallon (of any water), and then put through a ceramic gravity filtration system, no electricity needed, creating fresh tasting structured water.

    I carry a 1 oz squeezable dropper bottle (refillable) with me to treat coffee or beverages when I am traveling.

    Dr Julie
  • Arpan sethi
    comentado 2018-12-31 03:23:12 -0500
    I’ve checked almost every brands amongst these.. but have you tried orange juice brands by house of chi of nigeria?
    no? do try here:
  • Carol labue
    comentado 2018-10-04 22:48:21 -0400
  • Ram kaur
    comentado 2017-11-21 22:14:16 -0500
    ¿Qué pasa con lo mejor de Florida?

    Según el mapa de Florida, estoy preocupado.
  • Linda j solomon
    comentado 2017-11-09 12:04:39 -0500
    Caitlin, incluso si elegimos productos orgánicos que trato de comprar tanto como puedo, eso no significa que parte de la basura tóxica no se filtre en productos orgánicos a través del cultivo de productos orgánicos. A través del aire, la tierra o el agua, el glifosato se las arregla para fluir demasiado lejos y de ancho, amenazando todo lo que crece. Estoy seguro de que hay muchas compañías que hacen todo lo posible para evitar esto, pero no siempre se puede prevenir. :(
  • Linda j solomon
    comentado 2017-11-09 12:00:14 -0500
    As long as this corrupt and greedy country’s government enables the corrupt, greedy and toxic corporations like Monsatan and others to spread their garbage and ruin the food industry and our environment, we don’t have a chance except for trying to make the best choices we can given the information provided like this. This has been going on for decades with no end in sight! What do they care……NOT! :( We’ve all been guinea pigs of a sort for a long time. :(
  • Linda j solomon
    comentado 2017-11-09 11:55:07 -0500
    Estoy agradecido de ver que Florida's Natural no es uno de ellos. Si Organic OJ no tiene un precio especial, ese es el que compro siempre. Meijer tiene una maravillosa marca orgánica que es tan dulce pero rara vez se vende. Desafortunadamente, la marca orgánica Full Circle es de concentrado y prefiero no usar eso.
  • Gifford kabat
    comentado 2017-10-21 21:25:14 -0400
    As the owner of a company ( who is responsible for creating healthy options for people whenever possible I find it appalling hearing information like this. Consumers are left trying to decode the truth from articles like this and countless others, never knowing what is accurate. Who do we believe?
  • Pájaro lindo
    comentado 2017-10-19 11:41:53 -0400
    ¿Quién hará responsable a Monsanto?
  • Todd honeycutt
    comentado 2017-10-16 23:10:16 -0400
    4 ng/kg was shown to cause liver damage/disease.
    That is a TINY amount!

    1 out of 10 Americans now has liver disease.
    Liver disease often leads to cancer.
    1 out of 2 males and 1 out of 3 females are expected to get cancer in our country.

    It is not prudent to consume glyphosate no matter how you spin it.
  • Cee mathers
    comentado 2017-10-16 11:01:02 -0400
    Please report on the prevalence of glyphosate and other pesticides and endocrine disruptors in ORGANIC products. Is there a consumer list or link to follow? Does any lab routinely test these? It is disheartening to pay more for certified organic products only to find that they also contain residual glyphosate. Anresco reports and The Detox Project are the only ones I’ve found and their testing so far is very limited.
  • Todd honeycutt
  • Bob l.
    comentado 2017-10-12 11:23:59 -0400
    Your claim that 100 ppb glyphosate is toxic to gut bacteria is still incorrect (even after your earlier correction). According to your link, you are still about 1000-fold off. Consuming 1000 daily servings of any food will certainly have an effect on your gut! Seriously, there is no evidence that minute traces of glyphosate in our diet are sufficient to have any effect on gut bacteria.

    You also claim that it affects the immune system, but offer no evidence.

    None of the World’s regulatory authorities have concluded that the traces of glyphosate in our environment post a significant cancer risk to humans. The same goes for the American Academy of Pediatrics. Their only mention of glyphosate safety relates to people who have consumed concentrated herbicide. There is, however a useful review about possible association between childhood cancer, but the only association found was with indoor use of insecticides (e.g. pet treatments):

    Finally, with all due respect, I think your claim that glyphosate causes human human fetuses to develop without a brain is irresponsible scaremongering. This has never been demonstrated! I am curious if you write these articles yourself, or just post them on your by-line. If it’s someone else, perhaps you could incude their name?

    If you would like to discuss these technical topics in more detail, I would be happy to oblige.
  • Dra. Julie K Bjornson
    comentado 2017-10-12 10:06:43 -0400
    Gracias por este comunicado de prensa. La educación es la clave para vivir saludablemente en nuestro mundo tóxico.

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