Six months ago today, junio 1, a few days after we met with the EPA, I requested per my right as a US citizen, by way of the Freedom of Information Act, to receive copies of all of the documents submitted to the EPA regarding glyphosate. Never in my life did I imagine I would be asking for potentially thousands of pages of scientific studies about a toxic chemical. I loved science when I was in sixth grade, and even imagined being one someday. However I did not think I was good at math, all the rote learning without understanding was more condescending than the looks my math teacher gave me, so I dismissed the possibility of being a scientist and headed down a more artistic path as a designer.
Tengo una formación creativa, pero no pude inventar lo que voy a compartir contigo.
It is incredible that any scientist or non-scientist could look at this information think glyphosate safe.
I received 9 files, ranging from 67-293 pages. Most were the actual studies, two were assessments of other studies. I do not believe I received all of the studies submitted to the EPA, and will be asking for the full set of documents. What I did receive however, in my opinion, is reason enough not to re-register glyphosate.
Vea una versión en video de este blog aquí y compártala con amigos.
The first study I open is a 96-hour study en ostras ... y concluye que aunque en 4 días no hubo muertes de ostras, la mayoría de las ostras estaban "cerradas y no se alimentaban". ¡Eso es equivalente a un humano en coma! ¿Me estás tomando el pelo? ¿Se supone que esto prueba que el glifosato es seguro para la vida marina?
¿Y qué pasó después de 4 días? ¿Durante cuánto tiempo permanecieron las ostras "cerradas y sin alimentarse" y qué les sucedió entonces?
Estoy leyendo esto, gritándole a mi esposo sobre las ostras y el querido hombre me está aguantando. Incluso admite que está contento de que sea el tipo de persona que se preocupa por esto porque alguien tiene que hacerlo.
El siguiente estudio, un 96-hour study on Mysid shrimp, shows that after 4 days, the "level of no-morbidity was .51 ( 1.71 mg/L MON 2139 mg/L". The level of glyphosate in our corn, husk removed is 3.5 ppm. .51 mg/L and 1.71 mg/L is equal to .51 and 1.71 ppm. And it was the level just above this that killed the shrimp after 4 days. 100% of the shrimp died at levels of 3.9 ppm.
Granted we are not as small as a shrimp, but the amount of glyphosate must be equivalent and significant in comparison. Consider that 80% of GMOs which make up 90% of our food crops and in 85% of our food are sprayed with glyphosate. In addition, many non-organic crops are also sprayed with glyphosate as a drying agent pre-harvest. Furthermore, a burn-down application of glyphosate is applied before planting, so the amount of glyphosate we potentially consume from the 160 foods with allowable glyphosate levels is from .2 - 400 ppm. This is very significant.
The average life span of a Mysid shrimp is 365 days. 4 days is 1% of it's life. How is this a study that is scientifically sound for weighing the safety of glyphosate? It's not! it's preposperous! This test duration is equivalent to a human who lives to 78 years old being exposed to glyphosate for 284 days...less than a year. The reality is glyphosate has been in our food supply for nearly 20 years....7300 days...already.
Camarones blancos en comparación con el tamaño de un feto humano (el feto humano es aproximadamente la mitad del tamaño)
Another 96-hour White shrimp study showed "the no-morbidity after 4 days was 5.2 mg/L ( 17 mg/L of MON 2139)". Higher than that and they died. The levels of glyphosate on dried sugar beet pulp, the main source of sugar in millions of American products, is 25 ppm. The average American consumes 156 pounds of sugar per year. How much glyphosate is that? What is it doing to us? A white shrimp is larger than a 6-week-old human fetus. What could glyphosate be doing to our fetuses? Why has our infertility and miscarriage rate skyrocketed to 30% just like the pigs in Denmark who ate feed sprayed with glyphosate and had their levels of miscarriage jump to 30%?
FISH SHARE 85% del mismo ADN que los humanos
The 96-hour minnow study showed the level of no-mortality at 2.1 a.e. mg to 6.8 mg MON 2139/L. Higher than that, and fish died in 4 days.We have 5 ppm of glyphosate allowed on our potatoes and 7 ppm of glyphosate allowed on tea, items that we eat/drink in large quantities.
The 2-month (dosing period) study of canaries showed mortality at 432mg/L and with birds dying within 2 hours of dosing at 3300 ppm. Our animal feed grains are allowed by the EPA to have levels of 400 ppm and are consistently fed this amount, it is not just a one or two-time dose during 4 days of their life.
El estudio del ratón fue un mero 28 días... ni siquiera un mes ... y aunque afirmaron que no les hicieron cambios a los ratones ... ¿se supone que esta duración es válida como un estudio científico para la seguridad de un químico tóxico rociado en nuestros alimentos para consumir? Si allí se hicieron estudios más largos, no me los enviaron como lo exige la ley.
So the next time a GMO scientist tells you they have "hundreds of studies" showing the safety of GMOs and Glyphosate, ask them, how long are those studies for? What were the results? If the animals did not DIE, did they exhibit other symptoms (like not eating) that would lead to their death shortly after the duration of the study?
These studies, even in their small scope and short duration show that glyphosate should not be re registered. It's not sound science to see these as showing safety by any scope of the imagination and in addition this mother, for one, would prefer to be better safe than sorry than to feed my kid a chemical that has most oysters "closed and not feeding" after 4 days. It's hard enough to feed my kids, Thank you very much. I chose organic.
Informe a la EPA qué cree que deberían decidir con respecto a la revisión del glifosato AHORA. Están leyendo y evaluando estos estudios ahora y tomarán una decisión antes de Navidad. Contacto:
Neil Anderson
Jefe de Gestión de Riesgos e Implementación Rama I
División de reevaluación de plaguicidas
US EPA (Código postal 7508 P)
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NO
Washington, dc 20460
Phone: 703-308-8187
[correo electrónico protegido]
Zen honeycutt
PD: Me han informado que los estudios son confidenciales y no puedo compartir los documentos reales. Puede solicitar cualquier tipo de información que desee a través de la Ley de Libertad de Información.
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