Roundup Wine Parody Song Reminds EPA and Bayer That They Are Poisoning Us - Moms Across America

Roundup Wine Parody Song recuerda a EPA y Bayer que nos están envenenando

Moms Across America ha alentado durante mucho tiempo el coraje, la creatividad y el esfuerzo por hacer una contribución a sus comunidades al tomar medidas para crear conciencia sobre GMOS, glifosato y toxinas que dañan a nuestras familias.

Un grupo creativo de personas llamado RoundupWine Team hizo exactamente eso ... ¡e hizo esta canción parodia muy inteligente y artística sobre Roundup Wine!
¡Compártelo por todas partes!

Mantenlo orgánico

Hecho no tan divertido. Tomar una copa de vino al día puede aumentar el riesgo de cáncer. hasta 44%. Tal vez es el glifosato?
¿Qué pasa si el vino NO estaba contaminado con glifosato?

Haga clic aquí para el primero   resultados de la prueba de glifosato en vino.

Y el segundo   aquí.

Y el tercero aquí.

It's the LAST CALL to take action on glyphosate!

The EPA has directly communicated with Moms Across America regarding the review of the license of glyphosate, saying that the “EPA anticipates releasing the glyphosate interim decision in early 2020 with enforceable restrictions.” This means they intend to renew the license of glyphosate. Usually, they renew a chemical for 15 years.

This is UNACCEPTABLE! A myriad of studies now show that glyphosate herbicides are harmful to life on the planet!


Call the EPA at 703-347-0292 TODAY and tell them NOT to renew glyphosate.
Tell them to revoke its license now and protect American babies, birds, bees, and even our wine from contamination!

Here is a partial list of the ways glyphosate has been shown, in independent scientific studies, to harm animals and/or humans:

Breast cancer, Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Multiple Myeloma, Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, kidney damage, reproductive organ damage, causes higher numbers of early gestation (miscarriage and pre term births), damage to testes and sperm, damage to gut microbiota, heart and lung damage, neurotoxicity, damage to bees, and more.

Some shocking health facts connected to glyphosate:


Please also sign our petition to Bayer to stop selling Roundup! It's time for them to stop profiting from selling poison!

Click here for petition.

Thank you for taking action and being our partners in creating healthy communities!

Mamás en toda América

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