¿Glifosato y OGM en la cerveza?
Glifosato en la cerveza alemana: nuevas pruebas
Los alemanes se toman en serio la calidad de su cerveza. Si bien existen innumerables marcas de cerveza, el nivel de calidad no es el mismo para todos los cerveceros.
Un estudio reciente realizado por ÖKO-TEST (el equivalente alemán de Consumer Reports) encontró rastros de glifosato en la cerveza para 12 de las 50 marcas de cerveza alemanas que probaron. Solo las marcas orgánicas no mostraron niveles detectables.
You can read details from the ÖKO-TEST study here, but it's in German, so you might need a translation tool like Google Translate. Keep reading here as we analyze the findings.
Meanwhile, in July of 2020, a second Canadian grain processor restricted the processing of oats sprayed with glyphosate as a desiccant (drying agent) in their facilities due to the impaired quality of the oats. The presence of glyphosate in beer, made with various grains often sprayed with glyphosate as a desiccant, would indicate a potential decrease in the quality of the product.
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