¿Arsénico en el vino? ¿Michelob pasa a lo orgánico? Por qué la industria del alcohol está haciendo cambios: mamás en todo Estados Unidos

¿Arsénico en el vino? ¿Michelob pasa a lo orgánico? Por qué la industria del alcohol está haciendo cambios

Los nuevos resultados de las pruebas muestran lo que las marcas populares de cerveza y vino tienen en común:

Resumen de Monsanto



Screen_Shot_2018- 03-14 _at_2. 54.47 _PM.pngmarzo 15, 2018, Mission Viejo Ca- Han sido unos años difíciles para la industria del alcohol, pero el cambio se está gestando. En 2015, Los Ángeles CBS News dio a conocer el anuncio de una demanda contra 31 marcas de vinos para altos niveles de arsénico inorgánico. En 2016, 12 los vinos de California probados fueron todos resultó positivo para el herbicida glifosato.  En 2016, pruebas de cerveza en Alemania también reveló residuos de glifosato en cada una de las muestras analizadas, incluso en cervezas independientes. Vinters y cerveceros comenzaron a notar la creciente demanda de orgánicos. Solo esta semana Anheuser-busch anunció que su marca Michelob ha lanzado una nueva cerveza Oro ultra puro elaborado con trigo orgánico. ¿Qué tienen todos estos eventos en común?

Resumen de Monsanto. Screen_Shot_2018- 02-27 _at_7. 07.21 _PM.png


How are they connected? If you remember, French scientist Seralini et al released shocking findings in January of 2018 that all the brands of the glyphosate-based Roundup they tested, over a dozen, had high levels of arsenic, over 5x the allowable limit. Roundup used in vineyards and sprayed on grains used in beer as a drying agent is appearing to be one of the major contributing factors of arsenic (and of course, glyphosate) residues in our wine and beer.

Today Moms Across America is releasing new findings of glyphosate in all of the most popular brands of wines in the world, most of which are from the US, and in batch test results in American beer. The findings were at first, confusing. But one thing that was clear was that the beer and wine industries must and in many cases are, moving away from Monsanto’s Roundup in order to avoid contamination by this chemical herbicide, a known neurotoxin, carcinogen, and endocrine disruptor, which causes liver disease. Despite Monsanto’s impassioned appeal of “irreparable harm”, CA federal Judge Shubb allowed glyphosate to remain on the CA Prop 65 carcinogen list in a ruling out just two weeks ago.

Entonces, ¿qué marcas dieron positivo en glifosato?

Full lab report can be found here.

Resumen de resultados a continuación:


Marcas: enumeradas en orden de popularidad.

Tipo de vino elegido por MAA.

Nivel efectivo de glifosato (ng / ml) PPB Glifosato + AMPA


Beringer / California / Chardonnay



Beringer / California / Chardonnay



* Bigotes de Hardy Blake / Australia / Tawny clásico



Bigotes de Hardy Blake / Australia / Tawny clásico



Sutter Home / California / Chardonnay



Sutter Home / California / Chardonnay



Cola amarilla / Australia / Shiraz



Cola amarilla / Australia / Shiraz



Robert Mondavi / California / Selección privada Merlot



Robert Mondavi / California / Selección privada Merlot



Viñedo de la familia Gallo / California / Vino rosado Moscato



Viñedo de la familia Gallo / California / Vino rosado Moscato



* Concha y Toro / Chile / Casillero del Diablo / Cabernet Sauvignon



Concha y Toro / Chile / Casillero del Diablo / Cabernet Sauvignon



Descalzo / California / Moscato



Descalzo / California / Moscato



Mendoza / Argentina / Santa Julia Orgánica Malbec



Bonterra / California / Sauvignon Blanc / elaborado con uvas ecológicas



* Nota: el número 2 en popularidad mundial es en realidad la Gran Muralla / China y el número 7 era Changyu / China; sin embargo, estos vinos no se podían obtener en EE.


Although 12 California wines were previously tested and found to be positive for glyphosate in 2016, the methodology was criticized to be possibly inaccurate and the brand names were not revealed to Moms Across America or the public. Moms Across America followed up by sending the world’s top 8 most popular conventional wines plus two brands of popular organic wines to be tested with the more widely accepted “Gold Standard” testing - HPLC mass spectronomy testing. The results confirmed similar findings to the previous testing conducted with Elisa methodology testing. Two samples from different lots were tested of the same type of wine resulting in levels between .038 ppb to 23.30 ppb of glyphosate in all of the 10 wines. The brands tested and their highest detectable levels were: Beringer - 9.45 ppb, Hardy’s Whiskers Blake,- 4.33 ppb, Sutter Home - 15.80 ppb, Yellow Tail - 10.24 ppb, Robert Mondavi - 4.87 ppb, Gallo Family Vineyard - 23.30 ppb, Conch y Toro - 16.56 ppb, Barefoot - 18.68 ppb, Mendoza (organic) - 3.42 ppb, Bonterra (organic) - .38 ppb.

Muchas de estas marcas están en la lista de la demanda por contener arsénico. Cabe señalar que solo se probaron dos botellas en el proyecto MAA, y no todos los vinos de estas marcas pueden estar contaminados.

Screen_Shot_2018- 03-14 _at_3. 40.15 _PM.pngLa práctica de rociar herbicidas a base de glifosato entre las hileras para el control de malezas mientras las vides están inactivas, según el fitopatólogo Don Huber PhD., Está provocando una absorción de glifosato en la planta, las uvas y el presente en el vino. los más alto que el promedio nacional de Cáncer de mama en la región vinícola de California muestran aún más motivos de preocupación. También es preocupante la contaminación del vino ecológico. Los productores de uva orgánica no usan herbicidas de glifosato, pero aparentemente se ven afectados por la lluvia, el agua de riego o la deriva, por los viñedos vecinos o las granjas que usan glifosato.

Many grape growers do not use glyphosate herbicides, however. “I haven’t used RoundUp since 1977,” said Phil Coturri, the Sonoma vineyard* manager who was recognized by the Golden Gate Salmon Association for his environmentally-sound viticulture. “You can’t constantly use a product and think that it’s not going to have an effect. Glyphosate is something that’s made to kill.”

Phil LaRocca of LaRocca Vineyards**, who farms organically and has shown a non-detectable level of glyphosate in his wine, has stated, “Grape growers have admitted to me that they use Roundup for cosmetic reasons. It’s not necessary.”

A French study revealed in February of 2018 that the majority of the subjects could taste pesticides and preferred organic wines. Many vineyards are seeing the benefit to making the shift. According to author Pam Strayer of Viewpoint - Wines &Vines:

Screen_Shot_2018- 03-14 _at_3. 45.19 _PM.png“Los vinos orgánicos importados ya están dejando su huella entre los consumidores estadounidenses. En 2016, el vino orgánico creció un 11% en volumen; los vinos orgánicos importados crecieron un 14%, el doble que los productores orgánicos estadounidenses en un 7%. Los ingresos por vino orgánico extranjero crecieron más que los ingresos orgánicos nacionales, generando un crecimiento del 14% en dólares (frente al 9% de los ingresos nacionales).

Stray señala que, en comparación, sin embargo, Europa domina el mercado de los vinos orgánicos.

“España produce el 27% del vino de cultivo ecológico (frente al 14% del vino mundial en general); Francia obtiene un 22% (frente al 17% en general), e Italia obtiene un 22% (frente al 16% en general), según las estadísticas de Agence Bio 2014 y Wine Institute. En comparación, Estados Unidos produce menos del 2% de vino con etiqueta orgánica (frente al 11% en general) ".

Si los viñedos estadounidenses ven la demanda de vino orgánico y continúan el cambio a orgánico, pueden ganar terreno en este mercado en auge y darán a muchos consumidores algo para celebrar.

Las marcas de cerveza parecen estar escuchando a los consumidores estadounidenses. La prueba de cerveza que encargamos; las pruebas por lotes en grandes grupos arrojaron resultados sorprendentes.

Large Conventional beer brands:  Anheuser Busch Busch Light, Coors Light The Silver Bullet Beer, Anheuser Busch Busch Light, Anheuser Busch Natural Ice Lager, Anheuser Busch - Bud Light Platinum beer, Budweiser 'America E Pluribus Unum' beer, Budweiser Bud Light Lager Beer, Anheuser Busch Busch Light, Anheuser Busch  Busch Beer, Anheuser Busch Bud Lite Lime, Coors Brewing Co. Banquet Beer, Anheuser Busch Natural Light Beer, Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer, Coors Brewing Co. Keystone Light Beer, Michelob Ultra Light Beer, Miller Brewing Co. Limited Edition Lite, Miller Brewing Co. High Life, Blue Moon Brewing Co. Belgian White and Belgian-Style Wheat Ale, Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy Weiss Beer.

Independent- Samuel Adams Octoberfest Hearty & Smooth Marzen, Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. Pale Ale Handcrafted Ale, Yuengling Traditional Lager Original Amber Beer.

USDA Organic- Samuel Smith USDA Organic Pale Ale, Eel River Brewing Co. Porter,

Bison Brewing Cerveza de albahaca con miel orgánica, Green Fog USDA Organic India Pale Ale, Peak Organic Brewing Company USDA Organic India Pale Ale.

Captura de pantalla_2018- 03-15 _at_8. 22.58 _AM.png

Pruebas realizadas por los laboratorios del Health Research Institute en Iowa.

What do these results mean? The tests indicate that independent beer and organic beers have higher levels of glyphosate than conventional beer. It was presumed that the glyphosate levels in conventional beer companies would be higher than independent or organic beers, but inquiries into the big beer company manufacturing process reveals a possible explanation. Conventional companies tend to use cheaper ingredients which include rice, instead of barley, oats, rye, and wheat. Hulled white rice is expected to have far lower levels of glyphosate residues than whole barley, oats, and malt which have been sprayed with glyphosate as a drying agent just before harvest.

Screen_Shot_2018- 03-14 _at_3. 42.51 _PM.pngLas empresas cerveceras independientes y orgánicas tienden a usar ingredientes más caros como cebada, avena, centeno y trigo, pero estos ingredientes, debido a la práctica de rociar glifosato como agente secante, que no se lava, pueden tener niveles mucho más altos de residuos de herbicidas de glifosato.

El director ejecutivo de Moms Across America, Zen Honeycutt, afirma: “Las bebidas contaminadas con un carcinógeno neurotóxico, y ahora también conocemos el arsénico, están contribuyendo al aumento vertiginoso de las tasas de enfermedades mentales, problemas de fertilidad y cáncer en Estados Unidos. Si los fabricantes quieren proteger la integridad de sus marcas y apoyar a los estadounidenses sanos, ahora es el momento de exigir que la EPA revoque la licencia del glifosato ”.

Los fabricantes de cerveza son conscientes de la contaminación generalizada del glifosato y están haciendo cambios. Michelob, como se mencionó anteriormente, al presentar un producto elaborado con trigo orgánico, muestra su comprensión de las preocupaciones de sus consumidores.

The Brewers Association, which certifies small independent and craft beers, gave this statement regarding the results, "Brewers do not want glyphosate used on barley or any brewing raw material, and the barley grower organizations have also come out strongly against glyphosate. It is clear that the malting and brewing industries are aligned in their opposition to the use of glyphosate on malting barley. Also, note that products containing glyphosate are not labeled for use on malting barley in the U.S. and as such is prohibited. Our supply chain specialist, Chris Swersey, is well versed in agricultural science, chemistry and strives to keep glyphosate or GMOs out of barley breeding and growing best practices. If there is glyphosate showing up in trace amounts in any beer samples, it is almost certainly coming from use on previous crops grown on the same piece of land." Glyphosate has been shown to remain in the soil for many years, but hope is not lost, new studies also show that removing the herbicides from the soil with mushroom remediation, is possible.

Although glyphosate herbicide proponents will claim that these levels are far below the EPA standards, implying these levels are safe, the EPA allowable residue levels simply are insufficient and do not take into account important studies.

Recent research shows that glyphosate bioaccumulates, therefore any level of glyphosate in our food or drink is of great concern. An alarming study by Thongprakaisang revealed that 1 part per trillion (ppt) has been shown to stimulate the growth of breast cancer. 1 ppt is equivalent to one drop in 20 Olympic sized swimming pools. Other studies reveal that, at very low levels, glyphosate is a neurotoxin, causes birth defects, damage to testes, and increases rates of non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Over 1000 plaintiffs have filed lawsuits against Monsanto, a leading manufacturer of glyphosate.

Screen_Shot_2018- 03-14 _at_3. 48.03 _PM.pngEl hecho es que ahora tenemos evidencia para demostrar que en todo el mundo, los consumidores deben esperar que casi todas sus bebidas alcohólicas y, según pruebas anteriores, jugo de naranja, alimentos a base de trigo, avena, frijoles, guisantes, té, miel, huevos y más se contaminarán con herbicidas de glifosato. Se ha encontrado glifosato no solo en la mayoría de los alimentos analizados, sino también en agua del grifo, arroyos, suelo y lluvia. No puede coexistir con cultivos orgánicos, ya que los estudios muestran que los herbicidas y pesticidas viajan por miles de millas en nubes de lluvia.

This widespread contamination of glyphosate herbicides is impacting not only business decisions, but our population’s health as well.  In America 1 out of 2 males and 1 out of 3 females are expected to get cancer, 1 out of 5 have mental illness, many struggle with infertility, sterility and infant death and our health care costs are crippling. Just this week, a new study revealed that maternal exposure to glyphosate showed significantly higher rates of shortened gestation. Prematurely born babies are at significant risk of infant death. In America, according to the Save the Children report of 2013,  the US has 50% more infant deaths on day one of life than all of the other developed countries combined. Could this be due to the widespread use and contamination of Roundup? Studies point to yes. If American policymakers want to protect current and future generations, and lower the health care costs, eliminating the use of glyphosate herbicides would be a logical step to take.

The EPA is currently accepting comments on the re-registration or denial of the license for glyphosate for another 15 years until abril 30, 2018.

*, ** Nota: El autor no ha catado el vino ni ha sido patrocinado por MAA para mencionar estos viñedos.

Corrección: Las dos primeras frases de este artículo se han corregido para reflejar la fecha correcta de publicación de la noticia.

Mostrando 7 reacciones

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  • Instituto Orgánico
    @organicinst enlace tuiteado a esta página. 2019-02-28 16:01:58 -0500
    ¿Arsénico en el vino? ¿Michelob pasa a lo orgánico? Por qué la industria del alcohol está haciendo cambios https://www.momsacrossamerica.com/arsenic_in_wine_michelob_moves_to_organic_why_the_alcohol_industry_is_making_changes?recruiter_id=180042
  • Jennifer Passavant
    comentado 2018-06-10 11:30:10 -0400
    El uso de sulfato de cobre como pesticida natural en vinos y productos orgánicos también debe terminar, ya que es un metal pesado tóxico y también tiene importantes problemas de salud.
  • pam strayer
    comentado 2018-03-29 17:29:20 -0400
    I wish you would also post the REAL danger – which is in the grain based products. They have 1,000 times more glyphosate than an organically grown wines.

    It’s impossible, given that glyphosate is in the air and water, for most organic vintners to go below 1 ppb.

    It’s more responsible to put the risk in context. People should still enjoy wine. They should buy organically grown wines, because obviously they have a LOT less glyphosate since they are NOT allowed to use it.

    But if it’s in the rain and the water, we can’t expect producers to have zero. These limits of detection are very, very low. Labs in California can’t even detect below 5 ppb, for instance.

    Meanwhile Cheerios has 1,125 ppb. Let’s put the risks in context.
  • Robert angelino
    comentado 2018-03-28 13:44:10 -0400
    We were Warned when flocks of birds fell from the sky but the FDA leader the former president of Monsanto lead the flock to tell the Public everything was alright including his bank account. then the courts stepped in and backed Monsanto when their products cross pollinated a farmers crop and he was found guilty and had to pay Monsanto? Take every cent of their profit to pay for the health problems they caused and every cent of their investment also and for god’s sake stop this new GMO Fruit they are trying to release they have already shown they have no proper safety rules in place and they have also shown that they caused the Bee colony problems but they walk without punishment? Government before you have no one left to govern stop these Greedy Cretins.
  • Jon abrahamson
    comentado 2018-03-27 23:50:18 -0400
    Jon and Zen,
    The test strips for glyphosate are the ABRAXIS serological test. They have one for both glyphosate and AMPA, the first degradation product. The reason they were backlogged is that desiccation of the barley with glyphosate for harvest greatly increases the amount of glyphosate in the malt barley grain (the only active physiological ‘sink’ for this systemic chemical to accumulate in). The levels of glyphosate were high enough that glyphosate’s antibiotic activity killed the yeast fermenting the grain for brewing so they were having to test every load brought in for processing. That was three moves back for me so I don’t know the reference, but Howard Viewer probably does if you need one.
  • Joel sagucom
    comentado 2018-03-27 16:27:41 -0400
    Creo que no solo el glifosato sino todos los demás pesticidas que se sabe que son biocidas deben tener una licencia negada.
  • Jon abrahamson
    comentado 2018-03-16 03:42:08 -0400
    Recuerdo que el Dr. Huber dijo algo sobre lo tóxicos que eran los lúpulos y mató la levadura en la cerveza.

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